Friday, February 27, 2015

Diabetes and Standardized/AP testing

This post will apply mostly to those of you in high school(sorry to those of you who no longer fall into this category!) If you're in high school, you know how annoying standardized testing like the ACT and SAT can be, not to mention stressful, without adding diabetes into the mix. But, since you can't just stop being diabetic on the days that you have to take these so it's important to be prepared. Sadly, I didn't know that diabetics could get "special treatment" I guess you would say when taking the ACT and SAT, but now that I know, I want to makes sure everyone else who might need this knows. I'm not exactly sure what special privileges you get, but I believe it's just extra time to complete the test and the right to have your testing material, food to treat lows, water, etc. To get this extra time and rights, you must send in the request 7 weeks in advance, as it can take a while for your request to be approved. You can find the information about this at for the SAT and at for the ACT. In addition to being able to do this for standardized testing, you can also do this for AP testing. The extra time/rights are the same as the ones for the SAT since both the SAT and AP testing are through college board, and you also must send the request in seven weeks in advance so that there is time for your request to be approved. You can find the information about this at If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me and I will do my best to answer them! I hope this helps those of you who will have to take theses tests!

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