Friday, April 10, 2015

Diabetes and Dating 😘😍👫💋💌❤️

First of all, I want to apologize for the abundance of emojis in the title, I got a little too excited. 😅 But, today we're talking about diabetes and dating!!!! Yay!!!!
Diabetes and dating can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be. For me, diabetes has never been a huge deal in relationships, but that's not always going to be the case. I think there are three or so factors that determine how tricky or not diabetes is going to be in a relationship.
1. How long you've been diabetic
Some of you probably think I'm crazy and that this doesn't matter, but I believe it does. The longer you've been diabetic, the more comfortable you become with the disease. I've been diabetic since I was eight years old, so by now, I'm pretty comfortable dealing with the disease, both in private and in front of others. But, if you're newly diagnosed, you're probably still figuring the disease out yourself and so sharing it with others may be awkward, but not impossible.
2. How long you've known the person you're dating
If you're friends with the person you're dating first, like I always have been, they're probably going to find out you're diabetic while you're still friend and will go into the relationship knowing you're diabetic and accepting that part of you. But, if you haven't known the person you're dating for very long, they may not know you're diabetic before you start dating, which is totally okay, but it just means you'll have to tell them at some point and let them decide if they're going to accept that part of you or not. (And of they don't accept you in spite of you're diabetes, they're probably not worth it anyway. 💁)
3. Their willingness to learn about diabetes and help you manage it.
If you're dating a guy or a girl, you're probably going to be around them a lot. And if you're around them a lot, they're probably going to need to learn about diabetes and what they need to look out for. For example, my boyfriend Michael has always been super accepting and supportive of me and my diabetes and he's learned how to tell if my blood sugar is too high or too low, and if he thinks I'm not where I should be blood sugar wise, he'll ask me if I'm feeling okay and will suggest that I check my blood sugar to make sure I'm okay. He carries sugar tablets with him for me whenever we're out together, and if something goes wrong with my pump, he's always willing to help me fix it and does. I tell you guys all this to tell you guys that if you're dating someone and they're really someone you should be dating, they'll take the time to learn about diabetes and how to take care of you(and I wanted to brag about Michael a little bit, if I'm being completely honest. 😝)

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