Monday, April 20, 2015

Diabetes and Prom

Can I just start off by saying that I feel like every post, or almost every post, is titles "Diabetes and.... Whatever" ? Because I feel like they do. Anyway, this post may be helpful for some of you and for some of you, prom may have come and gone already. Either way, I hope this can help you this year or maybe last year. 😃 prom and diabetes can be an annoying combination. You have a  million and one things to carry and keep up with, you have to either give a shot in your dress(good luck 😝) or you get to find a way to hide your pump in your dress(tip for all you gals: tucking it away in your bra honestly usually works even though it's super weird. 😂) But, it's something you have to deal with and you definitely don't want to have problems that ruin your prom night.
First, be prepared. Make sure you have your meter and sugar tablets at least, and find some sort of balance between taking too much and taking too little.
Second, be sure to check. You don't have to check excessively, but at least check when you eat dinner or if you start feeling high or low so you can take care of yourself and have a safe, gun prom experience.
Third, make sure someone knows you're diabetic. Be that your date, or your friends, or a chaperone, just make sure someone knows. This is always important, but especially at an event like prom. If something should happen, though I hope it never does, someone needs to know so they can take care of you and avoid anything really bad happening.
Fourth, know how far is too far. Don't push your body to its limits. If you're tired, go home. Don't just push it off and press on through it. If you're feeling low, take a minute to check your blood sugar and take care if yourself. You're long term healthough ultimately more important than having to take a break from dancing or bowling or whatever or you're doing.
Lastly, just have fun! 😁 You only have one or two proms, and you don't want diabetes to get in the way of you having a good night. Be careful and cautious, but just don't forget to have fun!

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