Friday, April 10, 2015

Strong Patient 💥

If you read my last post, then you know that I went to the endocrinologist yesterday. Normally, those appointments are less than fun... way less than fun. By yesterday was different. My doctor made the comment, "That was fun!" and while I don't know that I would say that it was fun, I left feeling strong and happy. The title for this post comes from the sticker( yes, my doctor gave me a sticker even though I'm almost 18. 😝) that my doctor slipped on my chair while I was using the restroom. It was a sticker that had Superman on it and said "Strong Patient." And even though it's just a sticker, this thing has made me pretty dang happy. I carried it around most of the day yesterday and admittedly got a little upset when I couldn't find it to take a picture of it to put in this blog. What is it about this sticker that I'm so attached to and proud of? The fact that it's an affirmation of my hard work and effort. As humans, I think we all like to be told we're doing a good job and that someone is proud of us. It's just human nature. And as a diabetic, we like to be told, we sometimes NEED to be told, that we're doing a good job and that someone is proud of us. We deal with a super hard disease every single day and that gets very tiring. When someone tells us we're doing a good job, or that we're strong, sometimes we shake it off and deny it, saying, "No, I'm really not." but, honestly, sometimes we need to hear that. We're not asking for people to worship us or idolize us for taking care of ourselves, but sometimes, we just need a pat on the back or an encouraging word. So, if you haven't heard it lately, you're a strong patient. You're taking care of yourself, you're keeping yourself alive, and you're doing a great job and I'm proud of you. 👍

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